- Keeps track of changes to code
- Synchronizes code between different people
- Test changes to code without losing the original
- Revert back to previous versions of code
git clone
git clone命令用于将远程仓库克隆到本地。
- make a copy of a repository
- stores it on your computer
- a “fork” creates your own copy of someone else’s repository
1 | git clone <url> |
git add
git add命令用于将文件添加到暂存区。
- adds a file to “staging area”
- tells git to include the file in the next revision to the repository
- git add * adds all changed files
1 | git add <file> |
git commit
git commit命令用于将文件提交到本地仓库。
- saves the changes to repository as a new revision
- records a message
- git commit -am “message” adds and commits in same step
1 | git commit -m "message" |
git status
git status命令用于查看当前文件状态。
- show current status of repository
1 | git status |
git push
git push命令用于将本地仓库推送到远程仓库。
- sends committed changes to remote repository
- more explicitly, could write git push origin master
1 | git push <remote> <branch> |
git pull
git pull命令用于将远程仓库拉取到本地。
- retrieves changes from remote repository
1 | git pull <remote> <branch> |
Merge Conflicts
git push之前先git pull,确保自己是在最新的代码上进行改动。此时可能会出现Merge Conflicts,如果有冲突,需要手动解决冲突。解决完冲突之后,再次git add,git commit,git push。
git log
git log命令用于查看提交历史。
- shows a history of commits and messages
1 | git log |
git reset
git reset命令用于回退版本。
- git reset --hard
reverts code back to a previous commit - git reset --hard origin/master reverts code back to remote repository version
1 | git reset --hard <commit> |
git branch
git branch命令用于查看分支,或者创建分支。创建的分支是基于当前分支的,拥有当前分支的所有内容。
- shows all branches of code
- create a branch with git branch <branch_name>
- switch to (“checkout”) a new branch with git checkout <branch_name>
1 | git branch |
git checkout
git checkout命令用于切换分支。
- git checkout <branch_name> switches to branch_name
1 | git checkout <branch_name> |
git merge
git merge命令用于合并分支。
- git merge <branch_name> merges branch_name into current branch
1 | git merge <branch_name> |
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